As I’m writing this, I’m thinking of you during these times. As a lover and student of human behaviour, I keep asking these questions.
Who are you? Who will you be?
We are more connected and isolated than ever. Healthy and unhealthy as ever. Informed and lost as ever. There’s a crisis of leadership, as well as everyday heroism across the whole world.
Who are you? Who will you be?
I love creating a space where you and I go deep to explore these questions. A space where you feel seen, heard, understood and safe to be vulnerable, remove your inner masks and share your fears and dreams.
A film called Before Sunrise said, ‘If there’s any kind of magic in the world, it’s in the space between two people’. So you and I fill this space as such: with love, laughter, truth, tears and hope.
Pure possibility lives in this space.
My name is Ray. As a lawyer and mentor I’ve been serving leaders for the last 8 years — and this is where I come in.